Saturday, March 11, 2006

OuLiPo and Structures of Texts

Abilities to harness a structure, to bend it to your will, allow a flexing of a work which further brings out the elements written within it. OuLiPo, for example, used mathematic structures or formulas for constructing works; it is in these structures that they are most able to exploit and subsequently articulate an idea, ultimately breaking it free of the mold or pattern. It is this method - a method of constraining a text - that allows it to grow and develop within certain bounds. Once properly developed, it is released, and it can serve as an example of an exploitation while simultaneously representing itself as a unique specimen of thought, of a potentiality.

Perec's meditation of spaces and structures of our lives resonate with the unthought; it is precisely what certain spaces represent and go unnoticed that is most interesting.

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